illuminarty hero

Is an AI behind the text?

Is it an AI or a human that wrote your text?

Detect AI generated texts.

our features

We offer various functionalities to help our users understand the generation of texts through AI. Check whether or not an text has been AI-generated, like ChatGPT, from which AI model it has been generated from, and which parts of the text have been generated.

detection of ai generated texts

Find out the probability of AI generation for a given text. Illuminarty combines various NLP algorithms to provide the likelihood of the text being generated from one of the public AI generation models.

Inbox user interface
Inbox user interface

localized detection

We denote the specific passages from the given text that are most likely the result of AI generation. This could help the users to understand how the AI writes texts, and also help to correct the misclassified texts.

Inbox user interface

api for automated detection

Integrate automated AI detection into your service through our API. The Illuminarty API allows you to detect whether an text was AI-generated and find the detectors that were the most likely to be used from your program directly.

our plans

AI detection will always be free, but we offer additional features as a monthly subscription to sustain the service. We provide a separate service for communities and enterprises, please contact us if you would like an arrangement.


We will always provide the basic AI detection functionalities for free.

$0.00 /mo

Open Webapp

Included Features

  • AI image classification
  • AI text classification


Basic functionalities of Illuminarty, made for individuals.

$10.00 /mo

Use Basic Plan

Included Features

  • AI image classification
  • AI image localized detection
  • AI model identification for image generators
  • AI text classification
  • AI text localized detection
  • API usage (10,000 requests/day)


Full functionalities of Illuminarty, made for professionals.

$30.00 /mo

Use Pro Plan

Included Features

  • All Basic plan functionalities, in nightly build
  • Increased API usage (40,000 requests/day)
  • API integration support


For the integration of Illuminarty into custom services.

Price on Request

Contact Us

Included Features

  • User-based custom detection
  • Unlimited API Usage
  • Custom API server
  • SLA